Copy of Heart Chakra
Located in the center of the chest, this chakra is the abode of love, warmth, compassion and joy in your life. When blocked, you may feel lonely, unworthy, disconnected, selfish or jealous. When open, you feel an unlimited capacity for self-love, expressing kindness, compassion and unconditional love to those around you. Follow the Pooja Practice to open your heart chakra like a lotus flower opening to the cosmos.
When to use
When you find you are struggling to give or receive love, disconnected from others, anti-social, emotionally distant, critical of yourself or you find it hard to let go of negative thoughts, use the Heart Chakra bath bomb to open your heart and feel compassion and gratitude for the life energy within you and the beauty that surrounds you.
Essential Oils
Frequently used in aromatherapy, this oil contains floral aromatic compounds
that transmits messages to the limbic system, a brain region responsible for controlling emotions and influencing the nervous system. These messages are believed to affect biological factors such as heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, and immune function.
This sweet smelling floral oil is used in aromatherapy to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and tension, while enhancing concentration and balancing emotions as well as hormones. It also works as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent reputed to enhance circulation, soothe symptoms of menstruation and menopause, reduce blood pressure and pain, and boost immunity.
Once in your warm bath, release the chakra bomb in your left hand and close your eyes. Breathe deeply inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Bring your awareness to the center of your chest, visualizing a green glow around a lotus flower that is opening. Recognize a moment in your life you felt happy and joyful and chant the sacred Mantra ‘YUM’ for 1-2 minutes. When ready, open your eyes to see you are enveloped in the seed color of this chakra. Repeat aloud this powerful affirmation with eyes open or closed: “My heart is filled with love and I spread it around” May this practice help to cleanse and restore balance, bringing healing and overall well-being to you. Rest and be at Peace
Heart Chakra Balancing
This fourth chakra is the abode of love but also serves as the connection between the lower chakras (material) and the upper chakras (spiritual) meaning that it is the center of integration of earthly matters and our higher aspirations. When the heart chakra functions properly you're able to have deeper connections in your relationships, opening up fully to compassion and acceptance thereby moving beyond the limitations of the ego.
An excess of the heart is not an excess of love but an overactive focus of attention and approval from others in order to receive love. You may be a people ‘pleaser’ or exhibit feelings of jealousy or anger that can result in hypertension. Remember, excess results from a deeper wound you’ve experienced in your life that you've been holding on to. When the heart chakra is deficient you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive, or a lack of empathy. Physical symptoms can include shallow breathing, asthma, and other lung diseases.
The key is to familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of an under or overactive fourth chakra. Once you recognize what is amiss, the next step is learning about pooja practice to begin the journey and restore balance to your heart chakra and its full potential, improving your overall well-being. To fill your life with more love, balance and connection, start by showing yourself some kindness and give yourself permission to feel unhappy, sad, angry, jealous or all the other emotions we tend to neglect or repress. Embrace your emotions because they are coming from you and are a part of your normal operating procedures as a human being. So be grateful for who you are and be open to receiving love from yourself.
Take some time to do this everyday. Observe when you get these feelings that bubble up and begin to breathe deeply with your eyes closed. Imagine being surrounded by a glowing green light that is radiating through every cell of your body. Journal any thoughts or images that come to you. And when you are ready to connect to your true intention, draw a warm bath and use Pooja’s Heart Chakra Bath Bomb to help release it.